Thursday, June 4, 2009

I remembered to pray for you

One of the many awesome things about praying is that there are so many ways to do it. Maybe we could understand it better if we called it "talking to God". That way we wouldn't feel guilty if we fail to say memorized prayer or get down on our knees or join with a group of others...these are all terrific ways to pray and they should all be a part of my life and I try to make use of all of them.
Even reading the Bible is praying when done reverently and to become a better person (sometimes you've got to look deeply, especially when you're reading the 'smiting' parts or begetting parts...if nothing else to learn that God's world shouldn't and doesn't have to be a world of conflict). I need to be a spreader of sunshine/Sonshine and love, bringing smiles and reflections...that's been one of my prayers since I was a little girl.
My sweet mom was so pleased when a neighbor lady told her that "if Marcy had one solitary peanut, she'd share it." But, by the same token there was some naughtiness in there too (can I blame this on my Irish half and my red hair?) So, if I'm sharing a good instance, let me share an opposite. My mother also told me that one day I got in trouble for something (imagine that!) and she was scolding me, then she glanced away for a second, during which I apparently (we have no pictures here) stuck out my tongue. She got a little perturbed (translation: some steam was coming out of the top of her head) and asked me "Did you just stick your tongue out at ME???!!" To which my panic stricken (feelings of imminent smiting here) little self said "No, mommy, I was just licking the egg off my face." This MIGHT have worked a little tiny bit except for the fact that we hadn't had any eggs at all.
One of my sweet memories is when I was teaching my children to pray...there's just nothing sweeter than hearing an innocent little child praying to God. In fact, his older sisters, Ria and Laura, even helped my son Mario say his prayers and that is the reason I bought a little Hummel figurine when we lived in Germany of a little girl showing her brother how to pray.
One of the delights on my Christian journey has been to learn new ways to pray, such as meditation or opened handed prayer, things I had never tried and I love each way because theu all bring good feelings and peace. Once I learned that prayer is or should be thanksgiving, I always try to start with thanks to God. Incredibly, when Michael started praying (and still does) he immediately did all of the thanksgiving prayers and no one had ever told him about this method. That was and is a blessed moment for me. for the title of this post, I often hear people say we should get together or come over some time and then find out it's only a pleasantry. For me, it is fact if I say it, so I DID especially pray for all of you last night at our healing Mass...some who I knew were in need financially, spiritually or physically, I tried to pray for by name, but then I covered everyone by asking Him to bless and take care of the needs of all my blogging friends. Michael and I both went up to be anointed and I prayed for the healing of all the many others that went up as well. I guess I wanted all of you to know that I do truly remember you in my daily prayers as well as on special occasions like yesterday evening. You have really blessed me and given me God's Presence in your posts and treasured comments...thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Now, for a smile or two for you:

A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils, "Now, children, do you all say your prayers at night?" Little Johnny's hand shot up, "Yes Miss, My Mommy says my prayers." "Oh, I see," said the teacher, "and what does your Mother say?" "THANK GOD HE'S IN BED!" says little johnny.


This was from the early 70's, when somebody wanted to sell a sewing machine in the classified ads:

FOR SALE R. D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale. Phone 958-0707 after 7 p.m. and ask for Mrs.Kelly who lives with him cheap.

NOTICE We regret having erred in R. D. Jones’ad yesterday. It should have read: One sewing machine for sale. Cheap. Phone 948-0707 and ask for Mrs. Kelly who lives with him after 7 p.m.

R. D. Jones has informed us that he has received several annoying telephone calls because of the error we made in his classified ad yesterday. His ad stands correct as follows: FOR SALE - R. D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale. Cheap. Phone 948-0707 after 7 p.m. and ask for Mrs. Kelly who loves with him.

NOTICE I, R. D. Jones, have no sewing machine for sale. I SMASHED IT. Don’t call 948-0707, as the telephone has been taken out. I have not been carrying on with Mrs. Kelly. Until yesterday she was my housekeeper, but she quit.


A minister dies and is waiting in line at the pearly gates. Ahead of him is a guy dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, a leather jacket, and jeans. St. Peter addresses this guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the kingdom of heaven?"The guy replies, "I am Joe Choen, taxi driver, of Las Vegas."St. Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the taxi driver, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the kingdom of heaven." The taxi driver goes into heaven with his robe and staff, and it is the minister's turn.He stands erect and booms out, "I am Joseph Snow, pastor of St. Mary's for the last forty-five years."St. Peter consults his list. He says to the minister, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the kingdom of heaven.""Just a minute," says the minister. "That man was a taxi driver and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. How can this be?""Up here, we work by results," says St. Peter. "While you preached, people slept; while he drove, people prayed."

They have Dial-a-Prayer for atheists now.
You call up and it rings and rings but nobody answers.

~~~Thank You, Lord for the blessing of praying for others and thanking You.


  1. My dear Marcy, Thank you so much for being such a woderful caring person.

    love, Angie, xx

  2. I so enjoyed your post this morning Marcy, Jake and I can use all of the prayers we can get! I pray every night but my problem is I always fall asleep mid-prayer. My pastor says that it's alright as God knows the rest! I also talk to God all day and pastor also says that this is prayer as well. I loved the jokes especially the last one!

  3. Marcy...
    Your thoughtfulness shows in all of your posts and know you is to love you as they say...I too am so thankful for meeting such caring individuals such as you through blogging...Smile and take care...Wanda

  4. Marcy, I know how you feel about meeting and being thankful for new friends in the blogging world, I feel the same way.
    And I'm grateful to have met everyone, to read their stories, and to read their hearts. And I'm so grateful for your gift of prayer, it means so much.

    I'm very much like Diana, falling asleep at night, or my mind wandering during Mass! And, like her, I talk to God CONSTANTLY throughout the day, He must be getting sick of hearing my voice! But I'm hoping that's a form of prayer too.

    I loved all the jokes, but I think the Little Johnny one is my favorite!

    Thank you, Marcy!
    And thank You, God, for Marcy!

  5. Cute story about your mother yelling at you and you sticking your tongue out!! I think we all could use more pray...I know I could! Love the funny stories! I hope you have a great day!

  6. God has truly blessed me with wonderful, thoughtful blog friends and you are among those. Thanks for the smiles this morning. God bless you.

  7. Hi Marcy,
    Due to my unruly mind, I write my prayers in a journal. I call them 'letters to God', and I always leave a little space, so I can go back and write in how God answered each one. I have journals and journals of prayers...and lately you and all my blogging friends are are all such a blessing!

  8. Marcy there is no better gift in this world to me than a prayer. Thank you so much. You have been a joy to me ever since I met you blogger friend. Sometimes I feel closer to all of my blogger friends than anyone. I feel so blessed to have all of them in my life. God Bless you sweet Marcy.....:--) Hugs

  9. Marcy you sweet friend! I loved this post. I have such a strong testimony of prayer! I loved what you said. I especially love it when my sweet grandbabied pray, they always pray for me with such sweet innocent thoughts. Always asking the Lord to keep me safe, it makes me cry every time! thank you so much for this post! And it looks like you got the picture thing figured out! well I am off to bed, I am at my son home and we will be getting up at 5 am to go to the airport then off to Seattle for 2 days then ALASKA. Thank you for your prayers of safety for us all! I can't wait to share my experience when I get home. I just had to peek in tonight before going to bed....HUGS....Lindalu

  10. Marcy, you are just the sweetest! Thank-you so much! (Sending prayers back your way ~ and a cyber hug, too!)

  11. Thank you Marcy. You are so sweet ♥ I pray in different ways too. My favorite way is the conversation I have with GOD all day long. I talk to him about everything and anything. I love how you taught your children to pray. That was a very funny story about sticking your tongue out. My mother would have killed me first and asked questions later LOL
    In answer to your question on my post, the books I mentioned are both favorites and memorable. I didn't have any trouble coming up with the answers. I love to read and it seems almost every book I read becomes a favorite some how. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ♥


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